We L-O-V-E waking up with our baby every morning! Having him smile and laugh with us first thing is SO wonderful! What a blessing! Here Laz is still asleep snuggled in our bed....for only a moment....soon he will be almost 11 years old like Ethan....so I treasure these times.
Shopping at Banana Republic...such fun with 5 boys!
And YES, I am one of "those" moms that carry their camera everywhere they go. I honestly do not want to miss one minute of life with my sons!
Laz asleep on Josiah's lap.
Yeah. My man is HOT. Yeah baby.
AND he is great with babies! A double threat! (oh...and he can build anything...so we are looking at a triple threat here folks)
Shopping is so fun...when you can SLEEP through it!
"Ummmm....Mom, I think this hat is to big for me..."
We all scream for icecream!!!
This picture is classic...Kell is fed up with me telling them to look at me and smile.
9 Makanan Yang Sering Muncul Dalam Film Bollywood
Tidak hanya demam Korea, masih banyak juga masyarakat Indonesia yang
menikmati demam Bollywood alias menyukai film yang berasal dari India.
Memang, film Bo...
3 years ago
Such cute pics of your boys! I'm sure sleeping with Laz is great...i can't wait for that one day. Do you do the co-sleeper thing? (yes...this is me thinking ahead as always!)
We have a co-sleeper by the bed for naps and usually the first part of the night. Laz goes to bed in the co-sleeper around 8-9 p.m. and stays there until the first time he awakens to eat...then he comes into our bed. But the co-sleeper is within my arm's reach (hence the trade name, Arms Reach Co-Sleeper). I can lean over and grab him at the first whimper and swing him right next to me...I LOVE IT. Worth every penny!
Ahhhh....and having my baby at my side...I love it :)
Tiff, they are so cute! (Josiah too! :)
Great pics!! And I love semi-co-sleeping too. We have a bassinet next to the bed, and will likely have the same setup as you do... to bed the first time by herself, then into the bed for the first feeding. Next time, other side, etc... It works for us, and even Daddy likes it! How long do you co-sleep? More specifically, how long before you start using the crib? If you are like me, you probably do about the same thing when they get into the crib, and bring them into the bed for the first feeding and so on. I just wondered about how long they stay in the co-sleeper? Till they outgrow it?
We seem to co-sleep longer and longer with each child...I guess we realize how fast they grow up and we want to take advantage of every moment :)
Pres was with us till he was about 18 months old...and even when he did go into his own room we still would bring him into our bed several times a week! We really do love it.
A lot of people ask me how we transition the babys into their own room/bed since they are used to sleeping with us...we get a lot of "the kid will never get OUT of your bed if you co-sleep" (thank you Ezzo's...gag)....welllll, I put them in their own bed for naps. Period. So they are totally used to their own crib/bassinet/sleeper and have no trouble when we put them their for the night. I do not nurse the baby to sleep after the first few weeks or so...that way I can just lay the baby down and he can go to sleep on his own (with no fussing or crying). in fact, many nights we set up the laptop on a pillow and watch a movie in bed and Laz is right there beside us. We just lay him down and to sleep he goes :)
Ah....SO MUCH EASIER than when we did the schedule/babywise thing. I just wish I could have those months back with Ethan...sniff sniff....who is now almost 11 years old.
*stepping off soapbox*
Interesting what you said about not nursing the baby to sleep after the first few weeks. I struggled so much with Daniel, getting him to sleep soundly during naps and night time (still struggling, and he's been weaned for over 4 months!). I'm sure it's because I always nursed him to sleep. I was lazy and it was so much easier to get him to sleep initially that way. I should have started way earlier just laying him down. That's what I did with Shannon and she was always a great sleeper. Thanks for this insight. Now I know what to do with little #4 when he/she comes.
Great pics btw :)
He just "goes to sleep"???? Laurel wouldn't do that ever! I don't nurse her to sleep either, but she cries and cries when we just lay her down. We have to bounce her on the exercise ball, and at just the right moment, very gingerly, very carefully, lay her in the bassinet. Sometimes it works, and sometimes not, in which case we have to start the whole process over again! What am I doing wrong??? Any ideas????
Yes, he does. However, I have had 2 babies that did NOT just go to sleep...it took effort! I also never let my babies "cry it out" and have not had an issue with that even when I do have to rock them to sleep...which I love.
The birth ball is always in use since the babies like that as well...a GREAT way to get them to sleep!
Does she sleep on her back or on her belly? My kids love their belly. Do you gentle rock thr bassinet/crib when you lay her down or have soft music playing?
I use all kinds of "props" that work well...I know that is against what the book says (Babywise) however, as I have discovered after 5 kids, Babywise is NOT wise! :)
Do not feel like you are doing anything "wrong" with her...basically it is learning what works well for this baby and doing that. With my 2 fussy babies it was a process to get them down to sleep at night (naps were usually okay) and I felt like it would never end. I know how you feel!
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