My friend Tiffany called me at 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning to tell me she was in labor!!! She had been having contractions since 3 a.m. and was doing fine. On and on this went through the day....her and her hubby (and her little girl, Alana) went out to breakfast, went on walks and just hung out at home.
I went to her house around 4 p.m. to check and see how things were going. The contractions were getting more intense, but she was handling them just fine. She enjoyed laboring while walking, leaning over and being in her bathtub.
She decided she was ready to head for the hospital around 9 p.m. Her plan was to get there pretty late in labor so they could not mess with her. Attempting a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) is not easy, and she did not want any staff interference.
We walked in the hospital about 10 o'clock p.m. She was checked in and had all the "stuff" done upon admission. The doctor said she was 5 cm and the baby was pretty low.
I went out in the hall to put my cat in the microwave (my lavender filled cat...used for a hot compress on the shoulders/back) and I heard some nurses talking. One was telling the other, "There is a VBAC in room 2....which means another C-section, of course."
I was livid. How dare she?! Her client is trying to give birth naturally instead of having major abdominal surgery. She should be thrilled. In fact, medical research says that a mom has a three-fold risk of death from a c-section verses a vaginal birth. Gee wiz. Don't they read their own literature?
Fast forward a few hours...and a few run-ins with the THREE doctors that were in our room alllll the time....around 1 a.m. Tiff felt a little pushy. I told her to go with what her body was she did. A loud POP resonated around the room (her bag of waters that she would not let the doc broke on it's own) and the baby fell out. Literally. Right there on the bed. Tiff was on her knees leaning over and had that baby right then and there. Nate (her dear hubby) reached down and picked up his baby and started talking to her...and she began screaming. The docs were saying (and I am not being sarcastic nor am I exaggerating), "What do we do? What do you want to do? What should we do?" That upped my confidence in the medical staff. Yeah. Thankfully the civilian dad knew just what to do...and his little girl was fine.
All this to say....Tiff went against all odds and gave birth on her own!!!!!!!!!!!! She was fantastic and the baby (Briana) is perfect in every way.
Briana was born at 1...ish in the morning on Thursday after 22 hours of labor. We say 1...ish because she came so fast no one saw what time it was till later. :)
Below are a few labor pictures. The baby was born so fast that we have no pictures of the birth or right after....but that is okay. At least she was not pulled on or even touched by anyone at her birth except the two people that love her the most...her mom and dad.
Oh. Her first C-section was for "failure to progress"....which, of course, means failure to progress fast enough for the doctor. She had been on pitocin for many high of a dose as is allowed...and did not get past 6 cm. Slice and dice. But this time.....her body apparently CAN work! Uuumm....wonder what would have happened in her fist birth if they had let her body work...uuummmm.
Oh. (again) I missed the field trip this morning to pick all the fresh veggies and tomatoes to make and can salsa and marinara sauce. Sniff...sniff. Oh well. There is always next year!Tiff laboring in her tub.
Nate helping Tiff through a contraction. He did great! (oh yes, so did she!)
Walking around the living room.....
Mom and baby Briana!!!
The New Matthews Family...Nate, Tiffany, Alana and Briana :)
9 Makanan Yang Sering Muncul Dalam Film Bollywood
Tidak hanya demam Korea, masih banyak juga masyarakat Indonesia yang
menikmati demam Bollywood alias menyukai film yang berasal dari India.
Memang, film Bo...
3 years ago
I know exactly what you mean about the quote unquote "failure to progress" crap that docs fill in as a reason for a section. We had a doc the other night (of course a man)...poor thing had to come in at 2am and was mad already. He was mad bc. the woman had already been pushing for 40 minutes and he said "it's not my job to teach women how to push!" so instead, from what I hear from the nurse that was in the room, an hour later went in and pulled the baby out, giving her 3rd degree tears,bc. he wanted to go home and sleep! Nice right? We also had a midwife delivery that same night, and NO tears what so ever...just some olive oil used to help...such a difference!
I am glad you said someone who works at a hospital labor/delivery ward and sees first hand (behind the scenes) what goes on. I am a bit of a homebirth fanatic (I know, I one had any idea) so a LOT of people blow me off because they think I am exaggerating what the docs are really like and how the hospitals treat their clients (a mom is not a patient. she is a paying client). I have seen SO many stupid things at the hospital births I have attended and it burns me up that woman allow themselves and their babies to be treated like this.
Like my friend Tiff from this post....the doc was mad at her for not letting anyone know the baby was coming out (and God forbid....she gave birth on her knees instead of laying on her back with her bottom kissing the ceiling) so the doctor...a female...began to stitch her with no pain killers. Yeah. And her comment (as Tiff was coming off the bed), "Oh. I thought you did wanted no drugs." (Tiff had repeatedly told them during the labor she did not want pain killers or an epidural)
I hate things like that. Ladies just have no idea of what they are missing.....
She began to stitch her with NO pain killers? OMG! Can you say Lidocain????? wow...that's just wrong. I do have to say I've never seen or heard of a doc doing that where i'm at...that's just crazy! The woman doc we have is really sweet, and for the most part doesn't use alot of drugs, but does push the morphine spinals. The two men doc's...oh there just aren't enuff bad words!!! I think these women just have NO clue and don't know this isn't the way it's supposed to be.
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