It is kinda obvious when our entire family (all 6 of us) walk into church late. We are like a parade coming down the isle. On that note, I try VERY hard to be on time to church. This morning in particular I awoke extra early and got everyone ready in plenty of time. Josiah got his morning cup of tea...I got a leisurely shower...things were...nice, for once. I had bathed the kids the night before....everyone was spic and span...ready to go. As the time rolled around for us to load up the family, Josiah happened to glance in the backseat at our Tarin. He was COVERED in black marker. Face, arms, hands, neck, back, stomach....covered. We brought him and Kellen in the house (Kell is many times an accomplice) and asked what on earth they were doing. Tarin said, "Mom. I had to get tattoos. Tattoos make people cool!" And apparently, since Tarin was determined to get some tattoos, Kellen was happy to oblige. Kell's art was seen all over Tarin...including his intitials. Below are the works of art that Tarin and Kell came up with for the tattoos. We are late to church...........again. And our child (although having been scrubbed) is covered in black smeared marker. The church will be talking again......
9 Makanan Yang Sering Muncul Dalam Film Bollywood
Tidak hanya demam Korea, masih banyak juga masyarakat Indonesia yang
menikmati demam Bollywood alias menyukai film yang berasal dari India.
Memang, film Bo...
3 years ago
I love all the new pics of the flamm. :) I really like Presley's hair. He looks grown up!
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