The Boys are ready to conquer Texas! Watch out Lone Star State....the Flamm boys are a comin :)
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Road Trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the morning (Sunday) the kids and I are loading up the van, picking up my mom from the airport and heading to Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 Kids
2 Adults
12 Hours in a van
Yes, that would be consider self inflicted torture....insanity....but a TON of fun!!!!
My Grandmom and Mom will watch the kiddies while Noelle and I go down to San Antonio for a Midwifery Conference (yeah baby!) during next weekend. All in all, it should be a crazy fun trip. I guess I will let you know how it goes! Pray for a safe journey for us in my only has 135,000 miles on it! Yikes!
Posted by Tiffany at 9:39 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Tattoos and Tarin
It is kinda obvious when our entire family (all 6 of us) walk into church late. We are like a parade coming down the isle. On that note, I try VERY hard to be on time to church. This morning in particular I awoke extra early and got everyone ready in plenty of time. Josiah got his morning cup of tea...I got a leisurely shower...things were...nice, for once. I had bathed the kids the night before....everyone was spic and span...ready to go. As the time rolled around for us to load up the family, Josiah happened to glance in the backseat at our Tarin. He was COVERED in black marker. Face, arms, hands, neck, back, stomach....covered. We brought him and Kellen in the house (Kell is many times an accomplice) and asked what on earth they were doing. Tarin said, "Mom. I had to get tattoos. Tattoos make people cool!" And apparently, since Tarin was determined to get some tattoos, Kellen was happy to oblige. Kell's art was seen all over Tarin...including his intitials. Below are the works of art that Tarin and Kell came up with for the tattoos. We are late to church...........again. And our child (although having been scrubbed) is covered in black smeared marker. The church will be talking again......
Posted by Tiffany at 9:42 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 22, 2006
On Friday afternoon I took the kids up to a friends home in Pine Junction. They have about 10 acres and some horses, dogs, cats, chickens and a duck! We had a great time...and the kids got to run and run and run....they slept well that night! :)
The trampoline is under the there is no fear of falling (unlike our trampoline...). Here Maiza is taking a flying leap onto the trampoline.
Ethan taking a flying leap...
The kids in front of the chicken coop before they got to feed the chickens (and one rooster).
Petting on of the horses.
Maiza was a big help in grooming the horses!!! She loved it!
The kids on top of the bales of hay.
Pres on Rio...and not liking it at all.
Ethan LOVED riding and did very well! He got to ride by himself with no one leading.
Kell enjoyed riding as well.
At first Pres would NOT get up on that horse with me....but I made him :) and he LOVED LOVED LOVED it! He actually threw a fit when we had to get off (I know....your shocked...not my angel!).
Oh! One more exciting thing happened on Friday! Ethan lost another tooth!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Tiffany at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Easter Morning
Soooo, you know those moms that take a million pictures allll the time....especially on holidays? Drives ya nuts, hu?! Well, I admit, I am one of those moms, much to the dismay of my family. They will actually tell me that their face hurts from smiling. Poor kids. One day they will thank me.....ha!
Below is several posts and my photo diary of our Easter Sunday. We went to church and then to the Troyer's for lunch and back here for dinner with family.....and you can be a part of all of it through the magic of digital cameras and the internet! Yippee!
Easter morning, 2006.
The boys, again. Kellen is saluting...why? I have no idea. It is his newest thing.
Awww, Mommy and Daddy :)
The boys in our back yard.
My little Kello-Mello.
My sweet, sweet Ethan! He is getting so grown up.....
Really.....have you ever seen someone so adorable? (besides my other 3 boys, of course)
Tarin said the sun was to bright so he HAD to cover his face....and I got this picture when he peaked out for a moment to see if I was still there. :)
Posted by Tiffany at 9:20 PM 2 comments
Easter Day
After church this morning we all headed to our friends home for Easter lunch and egg hunt. The Troyer's were so kind to have us out to celebrate Easter with them!
The boys and Daddy eating their candy....and poor Colleen, trying to adjust her baby! See pictures below and you will understand....
Come on out, little baby!!!!!
Colleen is READY. She is hiding a few of those eggs in her shirt :)
Kell, in his socks, finding eggs in their yard.
Our Flammily :)
Pres showing off his find.
"What did you get?"
Ummm.....little Tarin, stuffing his face full of various kinds of candy. This picture is taken MOMENTS before he went inside the house promptly threw up all the candy he had consumed. It is apparent my kids rarely get candy/sugar because: A.) They gorge themselves when they get it B.) They throw it up minutes later.
Ethan searching for eggs......
Posted by Tiffany at 9:01 PM 0 comments
This evening (Easter) Noy, Dawn, Maiza, Bella, Tom and Pat (Dawn's parents) all came over for an Easter dinner and egg hunt!!! We had a great time, and the food was yummy.....and the kids got on a massive sugar-high. Yeah, not seeing bedtime coming to soon......
The kids waiting just inside the door for the dads to hide the eggs. Poor Tarin has his eyes closed...he does not like the flash on the camera.
Pres and Bella checking each other out right before they went to hunt eggs....I think they were sizing up the competition.
Maiza finding the treasured eggs.
What did the adults do while the kids were hunting? Played football, of course!
Kellen enjoying the spoils....
Tarin giving the football his best shot.....right into Noy's stomach.
Presley hiding over in the side yard eating the candy from the eggs.
Tom (Granddad to Bella and Maiza) and little Bella.
Oh, Pres is having fun now. That was only the 3,971 piece of candy today.
Tarin wearing the girls bunny ears. Nice.
Pres and the ears......Obviously before I chopped off all his gorgeous hair.
Posted by Tiffany at 4:11 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
What Have I Done?!
Well, I did it. I cut Presley's hair off. He now looks like the 2 year and 3 month old boy that he is. Below are some before and after pictures. Josiah's comment, "Oh, there goes are little girl..." After he saw how short his hair now is. Time for baby #5, right?! :)
Presley a week or so ago.
Pres and Austin a week ago.....
Presley now!
Such a handsome little man!!!!!
Posted by Tiffany at 12:35 PM 3 comments