Monday, September 01, 2008

Laz and The Bean

Laz is 8 months old.

He does not eat solid food.

For several reasons:
1. He does just fine with strictly nursing. He is well nourished. (a polite way to say he is a chunk)
2. It is a pain to worry about making baby food
3. The older a child begins eating real food the less allergies, asthma, stomach issues, respiratory issues the child will have. (not to mention longer immunity)
4. God made people to eat real food WHEN THEY HAVE TEETH. So babies obviously are not ready for real food at a young age
5. As this video will show...Laz HATES food. I am giving him a little piece of a bean and he about hurls. He actually did throw up the other day when I gave him part of a sweet potato. He burst into tears!

So far the only acceptable food to Laz is icecream. 
Go figure.


Audrey B said...

Too cute! I love how the older boys are lik, "Mom no!!!" Laz really looks so malnourished. :)

Tiffany said...

yeah, it breaks their hearts to see him upset. i did not think he was upset, he just hated the food...but kell about freaked!!! even if i just SAY i am going to feed him some food kellen gets mad!!!

Christine said...

My little ones are the same way. Anastasia has only recently been interested in solids. The whole wrestling food into their mouths as they spit it out with you deal isn't too fun for mamas. Laz is a cutie. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute!!! I love the video!!!

Laz reminds me of my first who hated food until well over a year. I, like you, thought it was just too much trouble when breastmilk was just grand! So I didn't work at getting him to eat very much at all. I don't understand why most moms are in such a hurry! (I have a friend who has her 2 month old eating rice cereal from a spoon. I don't even know how he does it.) Just more to fit into the day if you ask me!!! My second couldn't get food soon enough (grabbing at our food, stalking us at meal time). I held him off until 7 months, but he LOVES food... any food. :) It's funny how they are all so very different.

And a quick comment about point number 3... my oldest had MANY food allergies including peanuts. However, I believe that bc I breastfed him until he self-weaned, didn't rush food, and didn't vax, he outgrew them all!!! We were faithfully praying for him to outgrow them, and I feel that God gave me the wisdom to continue bfing and to reject vaccinations.

Great post!

Anonymous said...

My three were totally disinterested in solids until they were at least as old as Laz. My third didn't really decide to eat until she was eleven months old. Up until then, she just nursed and nursed. And she was my chunkiest baby!

Tiffany said...

With each child I go longer and longer until giving them real food.
It is SO NICE AND EASY to just nurse until they can feed themselves. Little mess, CHEAP, just easier all around.

Mrs. Parunak,
This sounds like my 3rd baby. he was over a year old when he finally decided he liked food. (and even then he was a vegetarian...he hated meat of any kind)...but the kid was HUGE.
He weighed 16 pounds at my 6 week postpartum check-up.