Happy Birthday to me!!!!!! But so far, this birthday has reminded me of the depravity of men.
So I ran across an article this morning linked to Fox News.
I am really appalled.
I should not be, but I am.
Apparently....there are women who are pretty desperate to kill their unborn babies...and since the "partial birth abortion" is now kinda illegal, doctors have been kind enough to provide another way for moms to kill their kids legally after 20 weeks of gestation. Yeah. Nice of them, hu? Hopefully that will help the docs pay for their vacation homes, poor, overworked guys.
Anyway, the newest and latest technology in obstetrics is injecting a deadly medicine (a heart medicine or potassium chloride) into the baby to kill it prior to the surgical abortion. OH, I get it! It is illegal to partially deliver the baby and THEN open it's skull with a scalpel and suck it's brains out....but it is OKAY to give it a shot and cause it's gruesome death AND THEN deliver it!
That makes sense.
I mean REALLY PEOPLE. We have 4D ultrasounds now that show the baby's face as clear as day. We KNOW that there is a real baby in there. We can help a little baby born at 22 weeks (or earlier) survive to be an active, wonderful child. We know that a baby's heart is beating before the mom usually even knows she is pregnant!!!!!
How barbaric are we to allow these precious lives to be killed? It is insanity.
And I do not want to hear all the violin music about young, single moms...or rape victims...or whoever else gets abortions because it would be easier on her not to be pregnant.
EVERY LIFE is a blessing. Every life is wanted. Heck, I can name 5 families right now who have been trying to adopt for YEARS. There are plenty of babies to go around...if we would quit killing them.
And having worked with women in their child bearing age for over 10 years, I have met numerous moms who have had abortions for these above listed reasons...and ALL OF THEM....A-L-L have had regret, anger, remorse, guilt, etc about it. Even the moms who do not hold the same beliefs as I do about the subject. They all know and understand what went on.
Well, I could go on all day, but you must read the article for yourselves and see what you think. It is actually appalling (have I said that already?) at the flippant way this "procedure" it spoken of.
And might I add....when a country has so little regard for human life as we do...not only with abortion but with the fact that parents have kids just to send them away for someone else to raise (daycare, school, etc) and parents have such a selfish attitude that they can only handle one..maybe two kids..so that they can do whatever they please without having their life interrupted by children.....this country is headed in a very dangerous direction. Communism, socialism, etc are not far around the corner.
And while I am at it (how was that last paragraph for a run on sentence?!) how about our choices for the President??? Gee wiz, can someone PLEASE stand up for what's right despite what others think!!!!! Where are the conservative Christian, pro family candidates?????
Well, I hope to change that.
We are a conservative Christian, right-wing, homeschooling (not government educated), God fearing family that is having at the LEAST 5 children. How many leftist, liberal, socialists do YOU know who have more than two kids? Not many. So us homeschooling, breeding families that are raising our kids to follow the Bible will be outnumbering the liberals by a long shot in the years to come....and then Lord willing we can turn this country back into what the Founding Fathers had in mind.
And we will stop the murdering of babies. No matter what gestational age.
Just a birthday rant...brought to you courtesy of a homeschooled, Christian conservative mom in Colorado...land of the liberals :)
9 Makanan Yang Sering Muncul Dalam Film Bollywood
Tidak hanya demam Korea, masih banyak juga masyarakat Indonesia yang
menikmati demam Bollywood alias menyukai film yang berasal dari India.
Memang, film Bo...
3 years ago
First off...Happy Birthday Tiff.
I know you were on a roll, BUT not all of us who have chosen to have only two kids are selfish and bed wetting liberals. There are numerous reasons why we stopped at two. I also had a birthday 10 days ago, my 42nd, and I get asked about my "grandchildren" at least once a month. So I think two should just about do it for me if I look that old already!
We all have to make decisions based on our current situation, regardless of how everyone else thinks we should do it. All we can do is raise our kid, kids or litter (no offense) to be the kind of humans we expect them to be. If we are lucky, they will be great humans, but the decision is still ultimately in their hands.
Hope you had a great Birthday and remember, most people are good decent people despite their "selfish" ways.
Did you get that email that I sent you about the candidate that the HSLD is endorsing? It is interesting. Maybe we will have a good option. How's your blood pressure? :)
Yes, I was on a roll and pretty upset...so all of my present thoughts spilled onto the page.
Not everyone who has 1 or 2 kids is selfish or liberal. My blanket statements are typical of my exaggerations and me :) Sorry!
There are so many cumulative reasons why I make such statements...I could go on all day. It honestly hurts me to hear a mom talk about her kids in ways that make it seem that the kids are ruining her life. If we viewed children as we are supposed to (children are a blessing and a reward from the Lord) instead of an obstacle to what we want to be doing there would be no abortion, far less of a "when can I shove them off on someone else" attitude, and much more love, patience, and compassion going into the raising of the kids.
Don't get me wrong...I have not arrived! There are definitely days when I ask, "So WHEN does the bright yellow bus come to our corner???" Then I remember that I have been given the greatest opportunity EVER and I would forever regret handing that to someone else.
And with that, I will stop...for now :)
Angela, I love you to death and I know you are a great mom who loves her boys and worked/works so hard for them. Kudos to you!!! :)
Another great Mommy :)
Yes, I got the site and read the whole thing. He seems to be a great option that actually has a TON of expereince and an actual track record! I hope he decides to run.
My blood pressure has been fine so far...I have not taken it since before my birthday, though :)
Wow- those abortion articles just turn my stomach. Especially the part about how the the injection is "safe." Ahem...Not for the baby, but for the mom.
Have you heard anything about a national Christian event taking place called "the call?" My in-laws recently attended the one in Nashville, and it is one of many events taking place this year for Christians to come together to pray against abortion and other things that the Lord will hold our nation accountable for.
Anyway...back to the articles...The thing I have found most troubling with the late term abortion is that many of them seem to come about after that all-important 20 week scan, when doctors can identify trisomies, etc. I used to think that the late term abortions were all the scared teen girls (and I am sure there are still some out there), but lately it seems like there is an all out assault on what might be considered an "imperfect" baby. Other moms rationalize the decision for the late term abortion by saying "the baby will die anyway." (Have you noticed the huge decline in Down's babies?) Scary stuff.
In my experience as a doula/childbirth educator and a midwives assistant I have had several clients who hired me for my services and then called to "unhire" me due to an upcoming abortion. These babies were all over the 20 week mark and the ultrasounds had shown a "problem" in the baby. So yes, you are right. Many of these late term abortions are done becasue the baby is not perfect. BELIEVE ME, I could rant all day about that one, but I am sure that everyone here knows how I feel abut it. :) I will say this....In Psalms it says that God knit us together while still in the womb...and for someone to call that imperfect is them taking life into their own hands. God has a plan for ever single baby He creates, and since His thoughts are not our thoughts and His way are not our ways, how can we judge and decided if this baby is not god enough to live????
What is next...killing terminally sick kids...old people...anyone who doesn't meet our standard???
Yes, sadly, I think your last sentence probably IS what's next in our country!! Awful! Do you receive the National Right to Life newsletter? One of their last editions featured a story about how the elderly are literally under attack by medicare (if I am remembering it correctly).
And also, as a side note, I have to say I am surprised that some of your clients have "unhired" you after being diagnosed with problems. I always (perhaps inaccurately) thought that folks who would be interested in doula/midwiving are more open to "life." I guess the problem is more widespread in our culture than I originally thought. :-(
Wow- you are really filled with hate and judgment.
You always sounded so rational on the email list- I had no idea.
I won't be back.
The homebirthing community is filled with all types of people. Everything from conservative Christians to Feminists to Atheists and everything in between. Just because a mom is interested in a natural birth doesn't mean she is more into "life"...it just means she wants what is best for the baby...or she had an awful hospital experience...or she just thinks that natural is the way to go. And unfourtunately, I have had to deal with the awful thought that a mom is going to be killing her baby and there is nothing I can do about it.
It is interesting to me that when we (pro-life, conservatives) express our opinion/judgment it is called hatred but when someone who believes differently expresses his or her opinion/judgment it is rational/tolerant/forward thinking. Seems a tad one sided to me.
I am not here to offend...however, I will not compromise my beliefs on issues I know to be true. I do not expect everyone to agree with me or even change their minds...and I know that certain views are certainly not popular. I personally am not trying to win a popularity contest nor an election...and if I were, it would not change my stance on these issues.
The personal opinions on children, selfishness, etc are based on my personal struggles and feelings I experience daily (as I stated) along with 18 years of working with families and talking to moms. The abortion judgment comes from a Biblical standpoint as well as common knowledge, facts and again...working with numerous families (in an intimate capacity) over 10+ years and listening to them, their experiences, and hurting with them.
I am not an unfeeling person. On the contrary, my worldview has partially been shaped by these feelings I have been a part of for many years with many families. Hate is not a part of the equation. Judgment is...not on a certain person, but our society as a whole and what we have allowed to happen to our children and families. Everyone judges everything...and to say you do not is a deception to yourself. You just made a very harsh judgment on me without knowing much about me at all. I did not personally attack anyone in my little rant (only society as a whole…and of course, doctors); however, you have personally insulted my intelligence, my feelings, my opinions, my experiences and me. This looks like a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Hey Tiffany,
Preach it, sister!
Oh, and, btw, happy birthday.
You are sweet :)
Send me your blog again so I can see your boys!!!
Amen. Every single word.
Sam Brownback is running for president and is ardently pro-life.
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