Sooooo......during our lunch break the kids were upstairs playing "Super Heroes" and I was on the phone. All of a sudden I hear them screaming something illegible (not uncommon for the Super Heroes)...but then I hear Tarin start REALLY crying. So I get off the phone as Ethan and Kell come racing downstairs yelling, "The new school in on fire!!!!" Tarin was scared to death!!!
Background: A monstrous new high school is being built at the mega-church a few miles down the rode. We can see the new school building from the windows upstairs it is SO TALL.
I assumed that the construction people were burning debris or something...and assured the boys of this.
So up the stairs I went...and low and behold, they were right!!! There were flames shooting into the sky from the roof of this multi-million dollar school.
"Come on guys! Jump in the van and we will go watch the firemen!!!!"
So we loaded up and drove down the rode...along with 5083 other watch the flames and the firemen.
It was a sight to behold I have never seen a "real fire" before...nor firemen up on the ladders squelching the flames. The ladder was attached to the fire truck and the wind was blowing so hard that the ladder was swaying back and forth as the fireman on top was aiming to steady stream of water at the roof.
Finally, the red flames were gone and the smoke was dissipating.
WAIT! More smoke! Black smoke!
More water....more firemen...some on the ground spraying and others up on the truck ladders.
WOW. It was amazing.
The boys and I watched in silence for a long awe. Then Tarin, in his little tiny voice says, "Those firemen are SO brave." So spoke about firemen and their bravery...and Kell asked if they get training for this stuff and so I told them about their training...and they all decided they want to be firemen now. So perhaps the Super Heroes game will now be Super Firefighter Hero Game. :)
A worker who was welding inside the building started the fire. The building is made of steel...all except the roof...and the guy accidentally caught the roof on fire. No one was hurt, thank the Lord, but I cannot imagine the cost of the damage from the fire as well as the water. I mean, this is a BIG GINORMOUS school. And the water was so strong that it tore off other parts f the structure as it was being sprayed.
On another note........Josiah got the race results in yesterday. He is QUITE sad. Although he ran his heart out, it showed him being in 234th place. Now, I was there, and there is NO WAY that is accurate. So upon closer examination we find that his ankle device that times the run WAS NOT WORKING. So we have no accurate time for his run. He is moping around the house in a state of depression...poor guy. Well, the next run is in a few weeks....and this time, we will be sure to be EARLY and make sure the timing device is set correctly!!!!
On a sadder mom, cousins, aunts, uncles and Grandparents all left for Florida today for my cousin's wedding. I am SO SO SO SO SO bummed that I cannot attend!!!!!!! Mark has been on our minds and in our prayers for years now, and to see him marry the woman of his dreams would just be so grand. But, alas, I cannot afford a plane ticket. The wedding is Saturday...outdoors in a beautiful field with a big romantic. Thankfully my cousin Dawn will be taking pictures so at least I will be able to see everything. Oh...and if anyone wants to graciously donate some sky miles to a Denver to Orlando ticket, I will be taking all such donations from today till Friday evening :) :)
9 Makanan Yang Sering Muncul Dalam Film Bollywood
Tidak hanya demam Korea, masih banyak juga masyarakat Indonesia yang
menikmati demam Bollywood alias menyukai film yang berasal dari India.
Memang, film Bo...
3 years ago
Sorry you couldn't make it, I'll be hanging with your Mom on Sunday!
...thanks for rubbing it in :(
No rubbing it in..I'm not going to the wedding....and I haven't seen her in almost 3 years, so I'm excited!
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