Sunday, July 13, 2008

On Friday I took the kids over the where Jon and Noelle are staying to swin in that pool.
Typically there is never anyone there.
Not today! We were there with all 8 kids and everyone was having a good ole time. 
A couple arrives to swim...a young, childless couple.
A young, single guy moseys on in as well.

Things are still going okay, despite the kids splashing the lady with the perfect up-do and large earrings (AT THE POOL.)

Suddenly Maggie runs up yelling that she has to go potty NOW. Noelle picks her up and asks the question heard round the world.

"Does anyone else need to go to the restroom?"

As I heard these words escape her lips I realize what is about to happen. And with the next moment my fears were confirmed.

Presley sings a song.

It went like this:

"Iiiiiiiiiiii already went the pooooooooollllllllllllll"


He did.

And I think this is why the couple got out of the pool...the single guy left...and I swear that the lady said to her beloved, "This is why I got my tubes tied, honey."

Ethan and Brennah

Laz enjoying the day at the pool  :)

The kids played more in the hot tub (that was not hot at all) than the big pool!

Laz L-O-V-E-D the water. This was his first time actually IN a pool (besides the day he was born!) Yes, that is mommy hiding behind the float. 6 months post baby=still 10 pounds overweight.

My child that is lacking in nutrients. Perhaps I should give him some supplement formula to fatten him up? After all, I cannot measure just how much milk he is getting.

Josiah's parents were in town so we loaded up and went riding on the Platte River Trail. We all had a wonderful time and we rode about 7-8 miles. The kids did great!

As we were lining up for the above picture, this snake slithered across the path right behind us!

The "little guys" enjoying the ride  :) Laz was fast asleep the whole time.


Anonymous said...

where did you get the kid thing you pull behind the bike. does it come with that harness for the baby??

Tiffany said...

my favorite store in all the world....


yepper, it comes with everything, plus a few extras. it also very easily hooks up as a jogging stroller :)