Sunday, January 04, 2009

My Baby is 5 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 years ago today, Presley was born into his Mommy's and Daddy's hands. We were surrounded by our fabulous midwives, Claudia and well as our dearest family and friends. The other 3 boys were right there as well to welcome their new brother!!!
HERE is the birth story in it's entirety. 

Laboring with my wonderful hubby and watchful midwife, Claudia.

The older 3 boys with Grammy and Moo-Ma.
The boys are holding up 4 fingers for 4 boys.
Little did we know that 4 years later they would be holding up 5 fingers for 5 boys!!!  :)

Moments after his birth.

Presley at 1 day old.

Fast forward 5 years!!!!!!!!!

Pancake breakfast!

A typical Presley face.

Presley wanted to go to 'the fe-ater' (theater) instead of having a we went last night. Today the fam did gifts and cake.

He said, "I am 5 this time Daddy!!!!"

Yes, he got a piggy bank for a birthday gift. HELLO....we are Dave Ramsey freaks! Cannot start him to soon on his baby steps  :)

We asked him if he was a "how-boy" and he looked at us like we were insane. We had to explain that he called himself a HOWBOY for years before he could correctly pronounce Cowboy.
He is so old.

REI has the best deals. It is seriously my FAVORITE store!

Hulk cake, of course  :)


Christine said...

I love these pictures. The birth pictures are amazing, too!

Angela said...

Happy Birthday Presley! Wow, Tiff it is mind boggling to believe it's been 5 years since we were sitting in your house for our birthing class as you were waiting for Presley to make his debut! 5 years and an additional boy for each of wonderful! 5 YEARS...unbelieveable...Seager will be 5 too...impossible!