Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The kids and I had school in front of the TV today!

I wanted them to witness history in the making...the first African American president of the United States.

Although we did not vote for Mr. Obama and we certainly do not agree with his politics, we do think that our country has come so far in the past 50-70 years and we are happy about that. And the Bible tells us that God appoints our leaders and we need to pray for them and treat them with respect. So that is what we are going to do.

This also gave us a great opportunity to talk history...racism, slavery, segregation, etc. My kids, who have only been exposed to such in very limited ways, were very rightly appalled. One of them cried and cried, overcome by the fact that one human could treat another so badly.
This led into a discussion about how God could allow this to happen...and what good has come of it. Great stuff.

All in all, it was a learning experience and something that, I hope, they will always remember. to send some sort of petition to President Obama regarding the murder of innocent babies! I mean, why is there a difference between a person taken against their will and put into slavery and a person killed while in the womb?
More talk for another day.  :)


Anonymous said...

good post!! I totally agree!! But you are correct, as it says - God holds the "king's" heart in the palm of His hand... let's pray He turns his heart from the evil that he has advocated for so long.