Friday, October 03, 2008


Had I been more enamored with the political candidates I might have spent more time blogging about them. 

I am just not impressed.

I feel that John McCain chose Sarah Palin to secure the women vote as well as the hard core Christian/conservative vote. I like her in many respects and she is a tad bit more 'normal' than the average politician. However, it seems that SHE is possibly going to carry the election of McCain singlehandedly. 


Because I have been hearing of SO many people that did not care for McCain at all till he chose Palin...and they are now planning to vote for him on her behalf.


Is she going to be our commander and chief?


Is she really going to able to do...anything...of great importance as VP?


So it just seems a tad off to me. 
Vote for the guy not because you are particularly happy with him...but because you like his sidekick.


She did do pretty well in the debate last night...far better than I had anticipated. It did bug me, however, that she did not answer some of the questions. AT ALL. But I guess that is typical of any politician so I should stop my whining.

I read on Fox news that Palin has -once again- boosted the ratings for McCain. It seems that when McCain is in a slump and things are looking bleak they push Palin out on stage and allow her to salvage the votes for McCain. Again, does this make sense? We are not voting just for her!

Yes, I am voting for McCain/ this is why I can dish on the whole thing so freely. 

I just feel...used.

And what the HECK is going on with this bailout crap? Seriously folks...this is madness.


Angela said...

I'm not thrilled with McCain or any politician for that matter. I guess I am drawn to Palin because she doesn't appear to be a "typical" politician and seems fairly normal...whatever that is. I will vote for the McCain/Palin ticket not because they give me the warm fuzzies, but because Obama and Biden scare the living hell out of me (and that's hard to do!)

I am absolutely baffled how half of all Americans in this country can agree with the notion that income redistribution is just being fair. Those evil rich should pay more... they are doing ok and won't even miss a few bucks. Hello, you idiots, who do you think provides all the jobs...uhhhh could it be the evil rich? What do you think will happen to those jobs when the people providing them are treated to the socialist "fairness" idea? Good grief! Are people really that blinded by wealth envy that they can't see the reality of that? Sorry, it is madness and I'm just mad. Odd indeed, Tiff. XXXOOO