Perhaps I am shocked far to easily. Apparently I must live in a bubble for some to things to effect me the way they do.
Today was no exception.
The kids and I were headed to COSTCO (L-O-V-E that place...and they know us by name) and we were stopped at a red light. I immediately noticed the older lady in the car to my right, front lane...she looked a bit lost. I was wanting to help her out but could not pull up beside her. She kept trying to get the attention of the younger man in the car directly in front of me but he did not see her. I felt so helpless! She wanted to talk before the light turned green...I could feel her frustration. I have been there!
OH! Finally the man looked her way and she asked him a question. Now, I could see his face in his rear view mirror and in his side mirror...and I was kinda irritated when he rolled his eyes AND his head (you know, the head-eye role that gets our kids in SO much trouble?!) and rolled down his window. She was very polite and asked him a direction question.
*What happens now is why I am so upset*
He rolled up his window, without saying a word, and looked the other way.
The light was still red and he was just sitting there.
She said, "Sir? Sir????????" and then with a shocked expression she gazed forward in a stupor...the same stupor I was in.
I could not believe it!
He just DID NOT HELP HER. For no reason other than he did not want to.
My brain jumped into gear and I quickly conjured up numerous ideas that would let him know my anger at his actions. About how his mother might need help one day and did he want her to be treated such, and that one day he himself WILL BE in a position of some this how he wants to be responded to? Those thoughts as well as physical harm came to mind. :)
I dismissed them all, of course. I did not want him to respond in a flurry of curse words that my kids would later ask about. (not that the neighbor kids have left out any)
Why does someone treat another in this manner?
Did no one teach him to think of others more highly than yourself?
Does he always respond this way when he is inconvenienced?
Again, I am disturbed. I have thought of little else.
Such a blatant show of selfishness, arrogance and pride is not seen by me every day (except in myself...which is a constant battle) and it leaves me....almost....speechless.