Below are some pictures from my trip to Ga....and then the whole story!
These pictures are so few because I, being the intelligent person that I am, brought my camera....just no BATTERY. So my mom took these. My little what used to be his and Ethan's room. It is PINK now! :)
Noelle, Pres, Tiff and Nate at lunch. Poor Nate was still reeling from a bout with food poisoning....thanks for coming anyway, Nate! It was great to see ya!!! :)
Here's the scoop :)
A few weeks ago, AirTran was re-vamping their website. To celebrate, they were giving away one free round trip ticket every hour for a week. (the only catch...I had to sign up every hour!) So on Thursday at 4:00 pm, I won!!! Now, you must understand...I NEVER win anything. But hey, who am I to complain?!
I got my plane ticket for the next Friday. I knew my mom would be at a friends house with a bunch of her cronies. (ha ha ha) The plan was for me to just waltz in and surprise her. (Presley and I, to be exact)
In the early afternoon on Friday, I was at the airport chasing Pres around, getting ready to board the plane. My mom called me. Twice. I did not answer, afraid that I couldn't come up with a good excuse for where I was. A few minutes later, I called Josiah to see if she had called there. (he was at home with the other 3 boys) Let me quote the conversation...
Tiff "Hey Babe. My mom keeps calling me and I am not answering. Has she called there?"
Josiah "Yes, she called here."
Tiff "What did she want?"
Josiah "Well, I did not talk to her. The boys did."
(at this point I think OH NO...they told!!!!)
Josiah "I was in the shower, and when the phone rang, Tarin answered it. Ethan then grabbed the phone, afraid Tarin would tell where mommy was. Grammy asked where dad was, and Ethan said "He is in the shower." So then she asked if she could please talk to mommy. Ethan kinda freaked since he didn't want to give away the surprise, so he told Grammy, "Uummm, mommy is in the shower with Daddy."
Tiff (standing in line boarding the plane) "HA HA HAHAHAH H AH AHA HA *sniff sniff* HA H AHH AH H AH H AH A *laughing so hard I am crying...people are staring* HA H AHA HHAHA
Josiah "So Grammy told Ethan, "As soon as they come out, you tell them to call Grammy"
When I got out of the shower, Ethan came in and said, "Daddy, I have told the worst lie ever" and he told me what he said. So now I have to call your mom back....and she thinks we were in the shower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Tiff "HAHHAHH A HA H AHAHHA" still laughing
So, long story short, Josiah calls my mom and she says, "I have it on good authority that you were in the shower with my daughter." All Josiah could manage was, "Uumm, I am mortified."
He explains that I am taking a nap, NOT in the shower, and Ethan had it wrong. My mom said, "Please tell me Ethan will not be in trouble for telling me that!!" and Josiah said, "Well, he is picking up the pieces of his shattered life...NO WAIT! That would be me!!!!"
Oh, a classic kid moment :) Josiah made me promise him that the second I saw my mom I tell her that I was NOT in the shower, but at the airport!!!
HA HA HA Ha Ha HA HA Ha.....
THAT is a riot!
I needed a laugh, too...
Oh Ladies, if you could have only HEARD the desperation in Josiah's voice!!!!!
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