Here are some pictures that my cousin Dawn took of the kids on Thanksgiving. Dawn has her own photography studio (and she is SO talented!!!), and you can view her work at:
Kinda worth hauling the fam out for a visit, hu? Kill two birds with one stone...come visit us :) and get her to do portraits!!!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Posted by Tiffany at 4:15 PM 3 comments
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving!
Here are a few pictures of our Happy Thanksgiving! Presley was asleep during the festivities, so today I will try and get some pictures of him on here.
Posted by Tiffany at 2:17 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Our Day
An exciting day in the life of the Flamm Clan. We began the day with breakfast with Regis and Kelly.
After we got dressed, we met our cousins Dawn, Maiza and Bella at a historical farm near our home. They had all kinds of the kids are feeding the sheep.
An old wagon...or playground, to my kids!
Here are Ethan and Kellen in the blacksmiths shop. Ethan is holding up a little guy that his friend Corbin sent from Georgia. Ethan is taking him on some adventures here in Paradise!!!
An old schoolhouse! The "heater" was in the middle of the room and the desks were all around it. You could see the scribbles on the wooden desks from many years ago...that was neat. Oh! It came complete with an outhouse! Yikes!
Posted by Tiffany at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Just for GGMom
Just for you, GGMom! The boys have been playing outside today, and they were being silly. I am holding Presley and his chocolate cookie!
We love you Mom, Dad, Grandmom and Grandad!!! :)
Posted by Tiffany at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Never a Dull Moment...
Funny and Interesting Stories from the Flamm's
Last night Kellen and Tarin walked in the living room and announced that Tarin had a Lego stuck up his nose. (oh, I knew this would happen one day!) After assessing the situation, I realized that the Lego was WAY up there, and his little nostril was already swelling. I proceeded to lay him flat, under the light, and use tweezers to dislodge the red, "Star Wars" ship-light from his nose. After some thrashing and pulling, I retrieved the coveted Lego light from him. I then proceeded to scare him to death...telling him if he did that again, and if we had to take him to the hospital to get it out....what would happen. Needless to say, he no longer likes doctors (ha ha) and is scared to death of putting anything up his nose again (I hope that includes his finger...). So this is now the hot topic of discussion....what doctors do to you if you put foreign objects in your nose.
Sorry no pictures of the nose incident...something I am trying to forget. Besides, Ethan almost passed out watching me and Tarin!!
After church today we were at home eating lunch, and Kellen was telling Ethan about the girl who sat a few seats down from him in church. Apparently (this being overheard by me) she kept looking at Kellen and smiling. Kellen showed Ethan what her face looked like, and said, "She kept looking at me like this. She kept trying to get me in love with her, so I kept having to look away so I didn't fall in love with her." They laughed (while I looked up this girls parents phone number to call and complain....just kidding) and said that that is what girls do to make you fall in love.
Posted by Tiffany at 3:25 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Josiah's Birthday
Happy Birthday Josiah!!!!! :)
Last week was Daddy's birthday, and to celebrate, we all went to our most favorite resturant...Carrabba's! Thanks Grandmom and Grandad for the gift card! :)
When we got home, we ate "birthday cake"...which was, in reality, Pumkin Pie. Hey, that's what he wanted!!!
Socks!!!!! YES!! I needed those!!!
The boys all waiting for a table
After 9 1/2 years of marriage (and 4 kids!) we are still in love :)
Kellen is really enjoying his spagetti. And serioulsy, he is NOT posing. I took this while he was really eating!!!! ;)
Posted by Tiffany at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Surprise... Take #2
Below are some pictures from my trip to Ga....and then the whole story!
These pictures are so few because I, being the intelligent person that I am, brought my camera....just no BATTERY. So my mom took these. My little what used to be his and Ethan's room. It is PINK now! :)
Noelle, Pres, Tiff and Nate at lunch. Poor Nate was still reeling from a bout with food poisoning....thanks for coming anyway, Nate! It was great to see ya!!! :)
Here's the scoop :)
A few weeks ago, AirTran was re-vamping their website. To celebrate, they were giving away one free round trip ticket every hour for a week. (the only catch...I had to sign up every hour!) So on Thursday at 4:00 pm, I won!!! Now, you must understand...I NEVER win anything. But hey, who am I to complain?!
I got my plane ticket for the next Friday. I knew my mom would be at a friends house with a bunch of her cronies. (ha ha ha) The plan was for me to just waltz in and surprise her. (Presley and I, to be exact)
In the early afternoon on Friday, I was at the airport chasing Pres around, getting ready to board the plane. My mom called me. Twice. I did not answer, afraid that I couldn't come up with a good excuse for where I was. A few minutes later, I called Josiah to see if she had called there. (he was at home with the other 3 boys) Let me quote the conversation...
Tiff "Hey Babe. My mom keeps calling me and I am not answering. Has she called there?"
Josiah "Yes, she called here."
Tiff "What did she want?"
Josiah "Well, I did not talk to her. The boys did."
(at this point I think OH NO...they told!!!!)
Josiah "I was in the shower, and when the phone rang, Tarin answered it. Ethan then grabbed the phone, afraid Tarin would tell where mommy was. Grammy asked where dad was, and Ethan said "He is in the shower." So then she asked if she could please talk to mommy. Ethan kinda freaked since he didn't want to give away the surprise, so he told Grammy, "Uummm, mommy is in the shower with Daddy."
Tiff (standing in line boarding the plane) "HA HA HAHAHAH H AH AHA HA *sniff sniff* HA H AHH AH H AH H AH A *laughing so hard I am crying...people are staring* HA H AHA HHAHA
Josiah "So Grammy told Ethan, "As soon as they come out, you tell them to call Grammy"
When I got out of the shower, Ethan came in and said, "Daddy, I have told the worst lie ever" and he told me what he said. So now I have to call your mom back....and she thinks we were in the shower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Tiff "HAHHAHH A HA H AHAHHA" still laughing
So, long story short, Josiah calls my mom and she says, "I have it on good authority that you were in the shower with my daughter." All Josiah could manage was, "Uumm, I am mortified."
He explains that I am taking a nap, NOT in the shower, and Ethan had it wrong. My mom said, "Please tell me Ethan will not be in trouble for telling me that!!" and Josiah said, "Well, he is picking up the pieces of his shattered life...NO WAIT! That would be me!!!!"
Oh, a classic kid moment :) Josiah made me promise him that the second I saw my mom I tell her that I was NOT in the shower, but at the airport!!!
Posted by Tiffany at 2:29 PM 2 comments
Last week Presley and I flew to Georgia to SURPRISE my mom!!! (she did not know that the week before I had won a free plane ticket!!!!) Mom was at a birthday party for one of her friends. My good friend Karen had picked us up from the airport and she took us to where my mom was. I walked in the door and around the corner, and my mom about FLIPPED OUT!! She was truly speechless. This picture is just moments after I walked in. There is a whole 'nother part of the story here...and after Pres goes down for a nap I will post it... :) With more pictures..
Posted by Tiffany at 11:34 AM 0 comments