Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Freedom of Choice Act

President elect Obama has stated that he will sign the FOCA within his first 100 days as president. It may take a bit longer than that, but the point is that it is on his mind as a priority.

The FOCA is a horrendous piece of legislation that MUST be stopped from becoming law. Er, anti-law. It will actually negate other laws that we have in place regulating abortion.

I am  trying quite hard to temper my remarks and to not go overboard here. (aren't you all proud of me?!) However, when faced with the reality of this bill it is difficult for me to remain composed. Partial birth abortion, specifically, is an abhorrence to our nation. As a midwife, doula, childbirth educator and mother I know far to much information about this 'procedure'...information that honestly I would love to be without. For the sake of others I will not put the details here but will allow you to research them yourself. Partial birth abortion is just that....a partially born child who is aborted. It is never...allow me to be repetitive...NEVER done for 'the life of the mother'. That is a lie.

Okay, I gotta stop or I will never be able to rein myself in.

All this to say...check out THIS site to know more about the freedom of Choice Act, how is effects you, moms and babies...and how you can have a voice in this matter.


Audrey B said...

I signed it and posted it on my blog too.