Apparently the whole country is aghast at the newest figures to emerge from the CDC.... the number of MOTHERS dying during childbirth have RISEN. Well for the love of Pete people, what do you expect? We already have one of the highest infant death rates in the world...the second highest of ALL developed why are we shocked? Because we are so "safe" here giving birth? Cause we have the highest trained doctors in the entire world? Because a doctor would NEVER do something that would hurt a mom or baby?
To believe all that then a person is just in denial and living in fear.
The number of moms having c-sections is steadily rising every year...and a section means a mom is 3 times more likely to die during the birth or right put that together and you have the answer. To many cesarean sections. And since the number of babies surviving birth has NOT gotten better...they are still premature and dying at a higher rate than in 25 other countries...and since moms are now more likely to die than in the past 50 years....OBVIOUSLY these c-sections are medically unnecessary and causing harm and even death to moms and babies.
See this article in the LATimes:,0,6378847.story?coll=la-opinion-rightrail
So what in the heckfire has to happen for moms to STOP the madness????????????? How bad does it all have to get? How many more moms and babies have to needlessly die before women stand up and say NO to their doctors? Until moms realize that the OBs "standard of care" is killing our children and us? That hospital and medicalized birth is NOT safe and NOT proven healthy and NOT the best way to give birth to a child?
Do you realize that if we had the same infant mortality as Cuba (that little country near Florida) that 2,200 more babies would LIVE each year here in the USA?????? They have a better outcome for their newborns than we do. It's a fact people. Look it up.
So how do we stop the epidemic of needless major abdominal surgery to give birth?
Another post for another day :)
9 Makanan Yang Sering Muncul Dalam Film Bollywood
Tidak hanya demam Korea, masih banyak juga masyarakat Indonesia yang
menikmati demam Bollywood alias menyukai film yang berasal dari India.
Memang, film Bo...
3 years ago
Preach it, sister!! I wish more people like you weren't afraid to speak up.
I know, and you'd be amazed how many mom's ASK for a c-section from the start! INSANE! They somehow think it will be easier and less painful than giving birth....
I know, I have been reading about the "to posh to push" thing happening...and I think it is one of several things:
Doctors have done a great job of lying to women.
Women are living in FEAR of birth because "birth" to them is laying in a hospital bed hooked up to a hundred different tubes and probes in pain and unable to move...not to mention the large cut made into the skin and muscles around their vagina...which causes urinary incontinence for months/years after the birth (as well as possible sexual issues)...and THEN after going through all that for...let's say...15 hours, they still have an over 30% chance of "failing" to progress and needing major abdominal surgery anyway.
So why not eliminate the first scenario and skip to the c-section?
Go to and read about this moms experience with an induction and ultimate c-section birth. It is HAUNTING. Go to her poetry section and read it...there is a poem called "I Would Rather Pee In My Pants" (seriously).
Women do not know what they are missing. They believe the lie. And what makes me angry is the liars (doctors) and what makes me sad are all the millions of moms who are missing out on the most wonderful blessing that only mothers birth.
And then there are the moms who are forced into a repeat section that do NOT want one...but they are lied to and given NO choice. That is a whole nother issue...but it is becoming the rule in hospitals all across the USA. Thankfully there are homebirth midwives that will attend a VBAC birth with no strings attached (docs="we have to induce now....or....yes, you tried to labor but it is not working...or....times up!") and midwives will attend a VBAC birth after numerous sections because these moms WANT to labor and we know that it is safe (per numerous studies over decades) and will "allow" a mom to give birth.
Being forced into a c-section is a travesty and in my humble yet accurate opinion it is assault.
As a small side note...even 12, 18, 24 or 36 hours of labor is LESS painful that major abdominal surgery and recovery for months while taking care of a family. Not to mention the heightened incidence of long-term post partum depression with c-sectioned moms...that doctors neglect to mention...or the higher risk of miscarriage and stillbirth or inability to conceive...
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